Cassia scoop up a huge handful of soap suds. Cassia lifted her

hand and tipped it, dropping the whole sudsy mess right on

Adalynn’s messy bun.

“No! Oh, no freaking way!”

Adalynn shoved Cassia over with her hip, grabbed up both

hands full of soap suds, and threw them at her. They were

mostly water, and the wet splash soaked her sweater further.

Cassia giggled as she backed up further into the kitchen,

retreating rapidly, but Adalynn came after her with a handful

of soap suds that dribbled water all over the big thick

floorboards. “Nooooo!” Cassia screamed, but she didn’t move

back any further, not wanting to wreck any of the furniture or

get something wet that shouldn’t be. It was bad enough that

the floor was a sopping mess.

Adalynn doused her with suds, let them fall over the crown

of Cassia’s head and dribble down her forehead and her nose

to puddle at the end of her chin. The water was warm and not

entirely unpleasant after a hard day out in the hot sun. It would

have been better as a soothing shower with less of a smell of

dish soap and old dishes, but it wasn’t bad.

Adalynn tipped back her head and laughed a wild,

boisterous laugh that started in the depths of her chest and

exploded out from her throat. Cassia stood there and soaked up

that laugh like the big dry floorboards soaked up the dishwater.

Really. Was flooring supposed to soak up water like that?

Cassia didn’t think so, but at the moment it wasn’t on her list

of things to worry about. Actually, there was nothing on her

list, because watching Adalynn laugh like that was so much

better than worrying about anything at all. Watching Adalynn

laugh was magical.