When she righted herself after a few minutes of solid

laughter, she put one hand on her stomach like it hurt and

brushed away tears and soapy water with the other. Her eyes

shone when she looked at Cassia and it felt like the air in the

kitchen vibrated between them. What had started out as an

accident had turned into a full-on water fight. It was all good,

innocent fun, but with Adalynn’s shirt clinging damply to her

gorgeous curves, her lashes starred above her magnificent steel

eyes, it made it hard for Cassia to catch her breath.

What she wanted to do was catch Adalynn.

So, she did.

She closed the distance between them. Adalynn’s eyes went

from crinkled up with laughter to wide with shock. She stood

frozen as Cassia’s slender arms twined around her waist and

pulled her in against her. Adalynn was off balance and

basically fell into Cassia. She caught Adalynn and lifted her

hand to cup her gently carved jawline. She looked deep into

those burnished metal eyes, heard the sharp intake of

Adalynn’s breath as her lips parted, and wondered if that look

was just for her. That look that turned from shock to

something as warm as the liquid gold rays of the sun at mid-


Cassia closed her eyes and leaned forward, crashing her lips

down on Adalynn’s. Adalynn gasped against Cassia’s mouth,

but then her lips parted in surrender, with all the roaring heat

of an invitation that Cassia didn’t mistake. She swept her

tongue into Adalynn’s mouth, caressing hers in a dance that

was as sweet and sensual as if they’d been swaying together to

the classical music that was still playing.

Cassia knew she could drink of Adalynn all night,