Adalynn stopped what she was doing, her hand frozen on

the mouse. She was instructing Cassia on the basics of the

editing software and Cassia was following along the best she

could, which wasn’t very well at all. Adalynn was right about

the camera. It had been much simpler to learn how to use, at

least for video, than the editing was to figure out. The software

was expensive and advanced and there were so many different

nuances and little tricks to learn along the way. It was

probably the kind of thing that took weeks and weeks to

master, if not months or even years. Adalynn was a pro and

made it look easy, but Cassia knew that if she wasn’t there,

she’d be utterly lost in the maze of clicks and commands.

“Sure.” Adalynn made her response sound like a question.

She smiled softly, a little ruefully, as she realized that herself.

“I mean, yes, you can. I take it it’s not about editing, or you

would have just asked instead of asking me if you could ask. I

think it’s probably more personal.”

Cassia nodded. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want


Adalynn’s lips pressed into a tight line, but it was by no

means firm. She looked more like she was bracing herself than

she was annoyed. “Go ahead.”

“Well, it’s just that, now that I’ve spent most of the time

scraping and it’s kind of a methodical job and the music only

goes so far—I guess I should really upgrade to e-books or

something more entertaining—I’ve been thinking a lot over

the past couple days. More than normal. All I have to time to

do is think.”


“And, uh, I was thinking that when you do these videos, it’s