because you have a passion for it, and you enjoy it. You did

say that you were donating all the money to charity, so you’re

not doing it for the income. I’m assuming you also have

enough to live on, at least for a good long while because

you’re not working, and you have the house and it’s in the

middle of nowhere. You don’t seem like you’re very excited

about going back to photography. You did say that you wanted

to sit still for a change. Just be in one place for a longer period

of time.”

“Yeah.” Adalynn nodded. “You’re very perceptive, and you

have a good memory. All of that is true.”

“So, you have an income already? Or money to live off of,

at any rate?”

“I do.”

Cassia slowly exhaled. She was sitting in an extra computer

chair beside Adalynn and watched her carefully for signs that

she was offended, but her face stayed soft and open. She was

so worried that Adalynn was going to take what she was

saying the wrong way. Money was a tough subject for a lot of


“I was thinking that maybe, after the house is done, if you

didn’t want to do any other videos or photography, you

wouldn’t have to.”

Adalynn considered that angle. She crossed her arms over

her chest and studied Cassia, trying to figure out where she

was going with what she was trying to say. “No, I guess I

wouldn’t, if I lived within my means and was careful. I have

lots of money, but if I spent it like crazy on stupid things, then

I wouldn’t. If I stuck to a budget and invested, then I would be
