face away just a little because she was suddenly so sensitive,

and every touch was like it was magnified a thousand times


“Oh my God,” Adalynn panted.

“Was that good?” Cassia asked. “I mean, the way it’s

supposed to be good? I-I’ve never…”

That clicked with Adalynn, even if nothing else would have

broken through the thick fog meandering its slow way through

her brain.

“You were serious? When you said that you were…that

you’d never…?”

Adalynn couldn’t have this conversation in the position she

was in. She scrambled off to the side and leaned over Cassia,

so they were face to face. Cassia licked her lips slowly, more

out of nervousness than for any other reason, Adalynn figured,

but she was still sexy as hell doing it. Especially after what

she’d just done.

“No. I haven’t. Only with you.”

“Lord,” Adalynn cursed. “Did I hurt you when we…?”

“No!” Cassia’s hands bracketed her face. “No. You didn’t.

You couldn’t. I wanted to with you before, like I want to with

you right now.” Cassia ran her hand over Adalynn’s cheek

gently. Her eyes darkened as she studied her face. “You’re so

perfect. All of you. That was…well, I can see why people do

that for each other now. It was special for me too, to give you

that.” She blushed furiously, but also prettily, and her natural

innocence and charm were so heady a combination, Adalynn’s

head felt even thicker while her chest swelled with a feeling

that she never thought she’d experience again.

“Do you want to touch me? Or have I wrecked it now?