Maybe now that you know that I haven’t… Maybe I’m not

sexy now because I’m not experienced.”

Adalynn scoffed. “Dear God, you can’t actually believe

that. You have no idea how sexy you are. How beautiful you

are. How perfect. Next to you, I feel like a shriveled up old


“A boot?” Cassia’s lips parted, then she laughed, the sound

half disbelief, half outrage, with clear amusement overriding it

and binding it all together. “You could never be an old boot.

Your artistry is inspiring. Your life, your experience. But it’s

you that I want to be with. You, the person that no one ever

gets to see. The one that no one knows. I want that Adalynn.

The Adalynn that I know. The Adalynn who is funny and

quirky, who has a spirit of steel she doesn’t even know about,

the Adalynn who can restore and love old houses, who can

instruct an entire crew, who can make moments come to life in

ways other people couldn’t even imagine. I want you. Just

how you are. Right now. I want you to touch me. I want you to

show me how you like to be touched. I want you to help me

learn that for myself. If you want to.”

“I want to,” Adalynn groaned. “I was just worried you

might not want that. Or that it might be too much. Or that you

might not want me because I’m older than you, because I’m

not so fearless and bold as you are, because I’m not as

physically perfect anymore.”

Cassia scoffed at that and laughed again. Her eyes travelled

down the length of Adalynn’s body. “Physically perfect?

Please. You’re more than perfect. You look like a goddess. The

first time I ever saw you, I actually used the word

otherworldly to describe you to myself. If you could only have