me to stay here? In your bed?”

Adalynn wanted so much more, but she felt sleepy and

tired, the blackness sucking at her now that she was warm and

satisfied, her bones liquid, her body warm, amber honey. “I

mean it. More than anything.”

Cassia didn’t respond. Maybe she was drifting off too, or

maybe there was just nothing to say that was more perfect than

the gentle, blissful silence that had filled the room around


Chapter 17


“I don’t know how you do it. Everything you make is

amazing. It’s like you’re the food fairy or something. What do

they call it? Nectar of the gods?”

“No,” Cassia said, and laughed so hard that her stomach

hurt after. “That’s definitely not my cooking. I would rate

myself as, like, a four out of ten when it comes to skill level.”

“Four?” Adalynn gaped at her. “No way! I’d like to taste

ten, then, because this is amazing.”

/> “It’s only fish.”

“No, it’s not only fish. This is fish done with all these tasty

herbs and seasonings so that it tastes like excellent fish. I don’t

even like fish. And I hate asparagus, and potatoes are fussy.”

“Why on earth did you have fish in the freezer and

asparagus in the fridge, then?”

Adalynn grinned. “There’s a market here every month. I got

the fish there last month and the asparagus and potatoes came

from there this morning.”

“So that’s where you went. And here I thought you’d gone

to pay for the extra lumber the guys needed.”