“I actually did do that. I just happened to be in town when

they had the market. I forgot all about it. I’ve hit it two months

in a row. Or maybe it’s held every week. I don’t know. I just

know it was a month apart because I had to go in and get paint

and it was this time last month. I checked my receipt in the

truck. I have this big stash in the glovebox that I keep meaning

to bring in.”

“I could try to file them for you if you want. I imagine you

have to do some kind of accounting, or that you’d just want to

know how much money you spend.”

Adalynn’s smile lit up the room in a way prettier fashion

than the golden stream of sunlight coming through the sliding

door did. “That would be great. Thanks.”

Cassia felt a little lightheaded at the praise. She wanted to

be helpful, but Adalynn really appreciated everything she was

doing, and being appreciated felt good. It wasn’t what she was

going for, but it was nice hearing compliments about the food

she cooked, and it felt good to be able to contribute in ways

that weren’t just scraping the house. Soon she’d be painting,

but even that felt like such a small thing.

When they were finished eating, Cassia cleared the table

and got the sink ready to do dishes. She was adding soap when

the first strains of Adalynn’s classical music drifted through

the kitchen like the soft breeze from the open window.

Adalynn sauntered over and offered her hand when Cassia

turned to see what she was doing. She smiled a huge smile that

made her eyes sparkle, and her hand twitched in a come here

gesture. She slowly shook her hips, undulating gently to the

music, even though it was classical, and Cassia didn’t think

that was how one danced to classical music. Adalynn didn’t