She wanted to experience brand new things, and doing them

with Adalynn would be so much fun. She suddenly wanted to

become a good ballroom dancer. She wanted to know which

pieces of music Adalynn liked and the ones she didn’t and

why. Adalynn wasn’t a good cook, but it would be fun to take

cooking lessons together so that they could both get better.

It stabbed at Cassia’s gut when she realized she was already

making plans that inserted herself into a future with Adalynn,

but she didn’t know if that was going to be possible. Cassia

wanted to enjoy every moment they spent together and not

hope for more than Adalynn could give, but it was impossible

not to be excited, even if she cautioned herself against it.

Her natural response was to crave Adalynn’s touch, her

closeness. It wasn’t just because she was Cassia’s first. It was

so much more beyond losing her virginity. She felt connected

to Adalynn on a deeper level, a different plane than most

people inhabited altogether.

The room was electric with their connection. The current

that travelled between them was as charged as ever. Her body

was starved for Adalynn and when she leaned in, setting her

cheek against Cassia’s cheek, it took a herculean amount of

effort for her not to rush things by grasping Adalynn’s jaw and

turning her face in for a kiss that would leave both of them

dizzy and breathless and wanting more. Instead, Cassia let

Adalynn lead like she was leading her with every step that

they took.

Adalynn’s breath was warm and tickled her cheek, and

Cassia was so relaxed she felt like she could have been

floating instead of actually dancing those steps. She closed her

eyes and swayed with Adalynn, inhaling the sweet citrus scent