she’d worn that day, which was new and spicy and


“Adalynn…” Cassia said her name and let out a long breath.

Her heart pulsed with an increasingly rapid pace in her chest.

It kept beating hard, then pausing, then resuming an even

faster rhythm.

Adalynn could have played with her. She could have

dragged out the moment and had Cassia melting, but she was

done playing. Maybe she couldn’t stand it any longer either.

She gripped Cassia’s waist and angled her, and with her other

hand she gently guided Cassia’s face, turning her to meet her

waiting mouth.

The kiss was hot and intense. Cassia could feel every single

one of her heartbeats echoing in a rapid drumming rhythm

between her thighs and she knew she was wet. When Adalynn

brushed her tongue at the seam of her lips, Cassia nearly

collapsed against her. She moaned into the kiss. She only

opened her eyes because she wanted to pull back and watch

the pleasure play over Adalynn’s face before she nipped at her

lips, tasting and savoring them like they were the lushest fruit

or a succulent dessert.

She was absolutely shocked to see Jason standing out on the

patio, staring at them through the window. The guys had left

for the day, long before Cassia even started making dinner.

What was he doing there?

Their eyes met for a brief second before Cassia looked

down and realized why he’d come back. He was clutching

tight to his lunch pail, a place she’d seen him tuck his wallet

before. He’d obviously left it behind, realized his mistake and

driven back. Because the music was playing, they hadn’t heard