didn’t want to think that because of her silence the night

before what they had was shattered. She knew she’d hurt

Cassia by not going to her, not talking things out, not

reassuring her or sticking with her, but she still hoped she

could make things better. That there wouldn’t have to be an

end or a fresh start. They’d already had their beginning and it

was beautiful. It was the most beautiful thing in Adalynn’s

entire life, and she wanted to cling to that night, that first

conversation, as the start of everything.

“Okay,” Cassia whispered. She reached for the phone, but

then stopped, her fingers curling in and flinching away. “I’ll

watch it.”

The first icy tendrils of apprehension washed through

Adalynn since she’d posted the video. She had plenty before

that, but after uploading it to several places, marvelous relief

had washed over her like cold water hitting sunburned skin.

She wasn’t afraid that Cassia would be displeased. She was

afraid that what she was finally doing wouldn’t be enough, or

that she’d acted too late and Cassia was too hurt, her faith in

Adalynn too shaken for her to trust in her or hope for a future


“Thank you,” Adalynn said. She tried to keep her voice

from trembling, betraying how nervous she was, but it didn’t

really work.

She picked up the phone, opened her social media profile,

and flicked to her newest video. She didn’t even look to see

how many views it had, and she certainly didn’t check the

reactions or the comments. She turned the phone towards

Cassia and pressed play.

The sound of her own voice flooded the space between