them. There she was on the screen, sitting at her desk. The

room was golden from the overhead light. The windows in her

office behind her revealed it was still dark outside.

“Hey, everyone, it’s Adalynn. I know I’m usually behind the

camera, never in front of it. I guess that’s because I’ve really

never been brave enough to want to be on the other side of

things. I don’t want to be the center of attention. I don’t want

to be the subject. I was okay with capturing everyone else’s

moments, but I wasn’t okay with living them myself.”

Adalynn paused, then looked right at the camera. “I want to

start living. So here I am. This video is going

to shock a lot of

people, but I needed to tell the truth. I didn’t want it leaking

out in parts and half-truths, in rumors and gossip that turn into

something malicious. I wanted it to be the whole truth, the

whole picture…all of it. I’ve never been good at talking,

giving speeches or the like. Again, I guess that’s why I was

always drawn to photography to tell a story. We all have our

stories. Some of us have many. This is now mine. I wish I had

a photo to show you, but for privacy reasons, I don’t. But if I

did, I could show you that the woman in it, the woman with

the sparkling eyes filled with life and love, with kindness, with

wisdom, with forgiveness and compassion has inspired me to

make this video. That woman in the photo that I haven’t yet

taken, she’s the woman that I love.”

Cassia gasped. Her eyes flew to Adalynn, in shock at what

she was seeing, before they dropped back down to the video

that was still playing.

“Yes. The woman I love. I was so resolute that I wouldn’t

say anything. That I would never be saying this. I was afraid I