wouldn’t be valid anymore. I told myself over and over it was

because I wanted to protect Pierre’s reputation and his work.

He was a great man, a great humanitarian. His work brought

attention to war-torn nations, poverty-stricken countries, and

so much more. He gave a face to the faceless. He made sure

the world saw and knew their stories. I’m still afraid that my

actions will diminish him in some way, but I can’t and won’t

hide any longer. I need to this be heard and understood.

“Pierre’s work is immortal. His legacy lives through it. I

know that so many people questioned our marriage, our work,

my work and my place at his side. That wouldn’t change even

if I wasn’t here today, making this video. I want to say that my

marriage was valid. That I did love my husband and that I will

always love him. We preferred to keep our private lives

private, and we were a team. Always. Two parts of a whole.

But there are different wholes and different parts of ourselves.

If Pierre could watch this today, I know he’d tell me to go for

it and fuck what people think. He’d tell me to quit hiding, quit

being afraid, and start living, because that’s the only way to go

through life. To face it head on.

“While I believe in lifting each other up instead of tearing

each other down, I know that as someone who has lived their

life in the public eye to an extent, there will be questions,

judgement, and condemnation. If people out there want to

unfollow me, I understand. If my work has to be cancelled,

then cancel it. Cancel me too, if that’s what it takes, but I

won’t have my marriage called into question and I won’t have

this questioned either. I won’t stand for fear or hate. I’m

learning how to be unapologetic in who I am and who I love,

and I’m not going back. I almost lost this woman once, the