woman of my heart and my soul, and I couldn’t live with

myself if I let her go again. It would be more than lying and

hiding. It would be cutting out a piece of myself that I know I

can’t live without. I hope that each and every one of you can

find someone who completes you. Someone you love more

than absolutely anything, even your own privacy, your

reputation, or your personal legacy. If you’ve already found

that person, then I hope you hold them tight, shower them with

love, and let them know how special they are. Never take that

for granted. I know there will be questions about why I made

the decisions I did in the past and when and how I knew that I

was a lesbian, but I don’t know that I have all those answers. I

do value my privacy and since there’s that saying that all we

have is now, I just want to be here now.

“I’m falling in love with a woman right now. I feel that she

could be my soulmate. She’s challenged me, she’s helped me

open my eyes. She’s taught me that being brave and being

scared can be done at the same time. She made me realize that

I’m more afraid of losing her than I am of losing everything

I’ve worked for in my life. It’s because of her that I know what

it is to feel, to live again, to want to be my authentic self. I

didn’t really know what that meant before, or if I did, I spent a

long time hiding from it. I’m happy to say that I’m here now

and it’s the truest place that I’ve ever been. For anyone else

who has lived through pain, who lives with that pain every

single day, for everyone who is scared, for all those fighting

battles that no one else can see, and for all those fighting

visible battles, for everyone hiding and for everyone living, for

those living with hate and judgement, and for all those who

choose to celebrate love and understanding and kindness, this