you’re here, I feel like I’ve found whatever path I was looking

for. I feel like all I had to do was turn just a little and open my

eyes and it was there. I’m not getting off of that path now.

That would be so foolish. I always thought I had the courage

to fight, and I did, but I was fighting with ghosts. It was the

wrong fight. I need to let them go. I’m done running. I’m done

trying to protect myself so that I never get a chance to feel

anything, because that’s so lonely. I don’t have to do that

anymore. It shouldn’t be a habit. I know my worth and I’ve

been selling myself short for a long time. I really, really want


“I really, really want this too.” Emily was starting to tear up

again, but she smiled even through the tears, and her eyes


Dani drew Emily against her, holding her tightly. They drew

in shaky breaths together, crying and smiling and eventually

laughing. Emily buried her head against Dani’s shoulder and

they both sat that way for a long time. Dani drank in every

detail about Emily, from the warm softness of her skin to the

citrusy scent of her hair. She set her lips against the leaping

pulse at the base of her throat. How could she have ever

thought she could leave her? Walk away from her? Emily was

all that Dani had wanted her whole life. Someone to love her

and love in return. She very much hoped that one day they

could do this again. That they’d get to the point where they

could share the same space, share the same life, be a family.

When Dani pulled away, she cupped Emily’s face and stare

down at her. There were tears still clinging to Emily’s lashes,

but she was also still smiling. Dani smiled back, for once

feeling just as radiant. Like maybe she wasn’t the dark and she