wasn’t the night.

“Emily Radcliffe,” she said, her voice still quivering with

emotion. “Can I kiss you?”

“Yes.” Emily grinned. “Please, please do. I’ve been waiting

all night for you to do just that.”

When Dani couldn’t move because she was suddenly

frozen, half in awe, half in fear, Emily looked deep into her

eyes. “I won’t ever leave,” she promised again. “Never. I

won’t ever abandon you. If we decide this doesn’t work, we’ll

decide it together. But I hope we don’t. Because I’d rather it


“I’d rather it did too,” Dani said, and fresh tears trickled

down her cheeks. Emily leaned forward, kissing away the

moisture with her lush pink lips. The touch made Dani’s skin

break out in goosebumps. The good kind.

When they finally kissed, it was beautiful. An explosion of

longing and passion, but it was also sweet and tentative, a

sharing of secrets, a kiss between lovers who know they’re

lovers. It wasn’t uncertain. It wasn’t bound by an agreement. It

was two people who genuinely needed and adored each other,

sharing a wonderful, beautiful moment.

When Emily broke away, she turned, noticed the TV and

laughed. “One day you’re going to have to turn the volume


Dani nodded. “It’s a deal. I saved you some of those

cookies. I actually didn’t have any.”

“Why? Scared I’d poison you?”

“Maybe before the casserole, but not after. I simply couldn’t

eat a thing until you got back.”

“You should have your dinner, then. Until I’d talked to my