When Emily reached the shop, she wanted to back out more

than she could say. She didn’t think she had the courage to go

through with asking the same person, twice, to be her fake

wife. Would she have to grovel? Would Dani study her with

those knowing, grassy eyes? It was her eyes that were most

discomfiting. She had ancient eyes. The kind of eyes that

belonged to someone so much older.

Emily’s hand paused on the metal handle of the glass door.

The shop was as well illuminated as before, all the little boxes

of crystals and tarot decks in their same spots. Emily wasn’t

sure what she was expecting. Something much different, now

that Dani had changed her mind? She had seemed so against

the idea, but now it appeared she’d given it some thought. Or

maybe she just got a kick out of watching Emily grovel.

Hidden camera style. She couldn’t shake the idea once

she’d thought of it.

Even though she didn’t want to debase herself again and go

for another lecture, Emily knew she’d grovel if she had to. If it

meant getting to follow her dreams instead of being stuck with

a career she hated, she was willing to do more than grovel.

With her mind made up, Emily pushed open the door. The

other girl from last time, the nicer one, wasn’t there. It was just

Dani behind the counter. She had an emerald silk scarf that

matched her eyes almost exactly wrapped around braids

woven together and pinned on top her head. She was wearing

another black blouse tucked into black skinny jeans, but this

time they weren’t so ripped up. Her flat canvas shoes

somehow looked alright with the outfit. Even though it was

half formal, half over the top casual, Dani had the kind of

body that could pull it off. Her killer curves and tiny waist