were only too well defined in those jeans and that blouse.

Emily found herself blushing because she knew she was

staring. She forced herself to look away and focus on a rack of

necklaces that hung behind the counter.

“Uh, you texted me?” She thought she’d start there, to make

sure Dani really had, rather than assuming it was her.

Dani didn’t have a smart-ass comment to make. She didn’t

try to drive Emily to her knees just because she could. She just

nodded and motioned to the back. “I’ll get the deck,” she said


Emily was so anxious that she darted for the back without

waiting to be told. She dodged through the same beaded

curtains and entered the small room with the table and chairs.

There was soft music playing that sounded like waves crashing

on a beach, and the whole place smelled like incense, just as it

had the first time.

It was somehow oddly comforting, yet it set her senses on

edge. Emily wasn’t sure how both those things could happen

at once. She was nervous, but it had more to do with the fake

wife thing than the atmosphere, she supposed. The room was

designed to be relaxing.

Dani slipped in and the beaded curtain swooped and wished

and whooshed behind her. Emily watched the beads without

fully turning around. “What if someone comes in?” she asked.

“And we’re back here? I’m mean, you’re back here.”

“I have a bell on the door. I’ll be able to hear it. I didn’t

know when you’d be coming in and this is one of the odd

hours out of the week that I don’t have a second person

watching the front, so you’ll have to excuse me.”

Her politeness took Emily off guard. Dani hadn’t been