Her parents had bought her a black imported sedan for her

sixteenth birthday. She found it big and cumbersome, but they

said it was safe. She didn’t like that she didn’t get to pick it,

but now, looking at Dani’s car, which was held together with

tape along the bumper and probably a good deal of hoping, she

felt spoiled again. Bratty.

Had she never truly appreciated the things her parents had

done for her?

Emily watched Dani return the cart, then they climbed back

into the car. They both inhaled deeply.

“God, the smell of those chickens is driving me crazy,”

Dani admitted. When Emily turned, Dani had the most devious

look on her face she’d ever seen. “Let’s eat one.”

“What?” Emily gasped. “Here? In the car?”


“What if we get grease on—?”

“Does my car really look like it couldn’t take a little bit of

grease? Everything’s stained, torn, cracked, or broken clean

off. I promise you it can handle it.”

Emily gave in with a shrug. Water jetted at the back of her

mouth at the mention of that chicken. She didn’t even really

like chicken, but she’d never had one of these store cooked

things before.

Dani jumped out, cracked the hatch, rifled in the bag, and

came back and sat down with a chicken container in her lap.

The dome had holes to keep it from fogging up and that’s

where all the delicious aroma was escaping from. They both

inhaled deeply again.

“God, I could bottle that scent and wear it all day,” Dani
