“Ew,” Emily laughed. “That would make you hungry all the


“That would be awesome. I could start carrying food in the

shop. Cookies in packages or goodies like that. People would

smell my chicken perfume and get hungry and buy it all.”

“Good lord, that’s absurd.”

Emily watched as Dani opened the lid, reached in, and

pulled until she’d wrestled a drumstick clean off. She passed it

over to Emily, her hands shiny with grease. Emily really hoped

they had something to clean up with after. A roll of paper

towel or a package of wipes would be handy, but Dani hadn’t

bought any of those.

Dani didn’t hesitate. She ripped the second drumstick off

and attacked it hungrily. She dug in, finishing long before

Emily even took a bite of hers. She went for the wings next,

polishing them off in short order. It would be silly to keep

holding onto the drumstick and not eat it. Emily put it to her

mouth and sunk her teeth in. Heaven. Just pure chicken


Dani peeled some of the skin off of the breast and put it in

her mouth. She ripped one breast off after and gnawed at it.

Her ability to down food like it was going out of style was

impressive. Or was it? Emily had once read a book about a girl

who grew up with nothing and she tackled food like that. Ate

it up fast because she was worried it would disappear. Because

she could remember so many days when she’d gone hungry.

Emily hadn’t understood. She couldn’t even fathom something

like that. She really hoped Dani was just extra hungry and that

she hadn’t ever gone without food when she was younger.

After Emily had eaten the drumstick down to the bone, she