bars or fetched glasses of water. Given away her favorite pair

of shoes because a new girl had come in and didn’t even have

a single pair.

Dani wasn’t made of stone. She couldn’t pretend to be, and

she didn’t want to be. However, she’d been careful in the past.

Careful with her feelings. Careful to keep her guard up. She’d

seen women she thought were pretty. Beautiful even.

Physically attractive. She’d never acted on it. She’d been with

people before, but she couldn’t really call it dating. Maybe

companionship for two lonely people coming together for a

short time, until that burden of loneliness eased. She’d never

deceived anyone into thinking she was ready for strings, and

she’d never let herself be deceived in turn.

When the bell dinged at the front, Dani tucked away the

papers in the small back cabinet, grabbed her deck of cards,

and was ready when her first client of the day walked in.

She spent the rest of the day throwing herself into work.

That was something she could understand and deal with.

When she locked up the shop at six, she was hot and sticky

even in the air-conditioned store, and two minutes away from


Normally, Dani was glad to go around back and climb the

stairs up to her apartment. She loved seeing Mr. Pickles at the

end of the day. Emily’s parked car behind the building told

Dani she was still there and walking into the apartment

knowing that someone else was up there felt strange. Really,

really strange.

She found Emily in the kitchen, a thin plastic drop sheet

spread over the table, tubes of paints and brushes scattered

over the surface, a canvas set up on the tabletop easel.