“I went over to my parents’ house when I knew they

wouldn’t be home and got some of my stuff,” Emily said by

way of explanation. “I hope this is okay. I promise I won’t get

any paint anywhere it shouldn’t be. It’s acrylic, so it’s water

soluble and doesn’t give off weird odors, so it’s safe for Mr.

Pickles to breathe in here while I’m painting. I really hope this

is okay.”

Dani’s mouth dropped open. Not because she felt that her

little space had already been invaded and couldn’t find it in

herself, no matter how she dug and clawed for it, to

completely hate the idea, but because when she walked into

the living room,

there were no less than eight smaller paintings

on drop sheets, drying in various spots throughout the room.

“They dry fast,” Emily explained, popping in behind Dani.

She had a broad yellow headband holding back loose strands

of her hair, which was done up in a messy bun. She was

wearing a yellow t-shirt and a pair of overalls. Nothing had

any paint marks on it and Dani wondered if Emily was rich

enough just to throw away the clothes if they did get paint on


“Uh, I see that.” Dani walked over and inspected the first

canvas, which was set on the coffee table, along with three

others. The plastic behind them protected everything.

“I thought Mr. Pickles might walk on them, but I figured out

pretty quick that he wasn’t interested.”

“No. He’d rather spend all day sleeping.”

The first three paintings were of bison, strangely enough.

Two were more abstract and colorful, but the third one was so

realistic that Dani felt like she could almost reach out and twist