I nodded jerkily, and he carried me to my bed.

Our bed.

Things still hadn’t really… been defined. I mean, they sort of had. We knew we were interested in each other. But he only had a duffel bag of stuff in my place, and I assumed he’d want me to move back to his place eventually, so he could be by his pack again. But… I just didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to live in one of the townhouses—and not only because of the stairs.

I loved my house.

And I loved my space.

And… everything was confusing me.

Dax tucked us under the blankets, and I tried to force myself to focus on the current moment.

I was alive.

I wasn’t dying.

I had a werewolf mate, who probably wasn’t going to change his mind about wanting me.

I… was part witch? A small enough part that it didn’t really do anything except cause me pain?


Closing my eyes, I forced myself to count down from five-hundred in my mind, the way I did when I couldn’t sleep after reading a mind-blowing book. It took ages, but eventually, I managed to fall asleep in Dax’s arms.

I hopedthings would feel easier when I woke up, but they didn’t. Dax was reading in bed, his body still wrapped around mine, and his iPad propped up in one hand. His screen was dimmed really darkly, but only a few inches in front of my face. His lips were on my throat again, his nose tickling the edge of my jaw.

Damn, it felt nice to be in his arms.

If only life itself wasn’t so overwhelming, I might even feel sort of… at peace in the moment.

But life was overwhelming.

And the mate thing was overwhelming.

And everything was fucking overwhelming.

So I closed my eyes and tried to act like I wasn’t awake at all.

Dax’s fingers started to stroke my hip, slowly. Eventually, I started to feel a little horny, but I didn’t want to have sex. I was too confused, and overwhelmed, and frustrated.

So I finally moved a bit, telling him I was awake without words.

“Hey, baby,” he murmured against my neck, giving me the damned horny goosebumps.

Did he have to be so freakin’ gorgeous?

Okay, I wasn’t really complaining about that, but… come on.

“Hey.” My stomach picked that moment to growl, loudly. “We should order food.”

“I’ve got it.” He shut off his iPad and pulled his phone out of his pocket, his hand brushing my ass in the process. He’d put on a clean pair of sweats, this time, but they looked almost identical to the ones he’d been wearing for days. I’d decided that he was probably someone who bought clothing items they liked in bulk rather than shopping around for more. “Want anything in particular?”

“Whatever can get here fast.” I closed my eyes, ignoring my panicky, pounding heart. “Not pizza, though. Pizza doesn’t sound good right now.”

He chuckled, and started hitting a few buttons.

I’d seen the time on his phone when he turned it on—it was late, so we’d missed the pack dinner, thankfully. Socializing after what I’d learned sounded like literal hell.