What I really wanted to do was talk to Lizzy, alone, but I knew my wolf wouldn’t let me do that while she was still chasing Dax.

He got the order in, and then dropped his phone on the bed beside us, and nuzzled my neck. “Have I mentioned that you’re beautiful?”

“A few times,” I mumbled, still feeling too stressed to really take the compliment.

“Well, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, his voice growly and sexy and freaking hot.

“Thanks.” My eyes closed.

My wolf wiggled a bit, and I fought a pained cry, biting the inside of my cheek hard.

“What’s wrong?” His hand slid over my abdomen, and I could hear the worry in the growl of his voice.

“My wolf,” I managed.

“She probably wants out,” he admitted, his hand moving up to my breasts and brushing them lightly. “We could go for a run.”

I was so hungry, though.

She shoved at my muscles, and a quiet scream escaped me as my back contorted. “Okay, let’s run,” I squeaked, practically throwing myself off my bed.

“The forest is only a two minute walk—you’ll shift in here, and then I’ll let us out and shift on the porch,” he said, jogging toward the door with me.

I nodded hurriedly, stripping clothes off as I went.

A loud crack echoed in the room when my body contorted again, and another, louder scream escaped me as I crashed to the ground. Dax caught me before I ate the floor, and lowered me to my hands and knees lightly, crouching beside me and putting his forehead to mine.

“Don’t fight her, Sabrina.” His voice was soft, but commanding. “Let her take control. She knows what she’s doing.”

Another scream escaped me, and my knees and elbows gave out. Dax caught me again, helping me to my belly on the ground. My face pressed against the cold flooring, and tears stung my eyes as more pain erupted.

I was a fucking firework—different bones breaking, and snapping, and exploding. I felt everything—every damn bit of pain, of agony, and I hated it.

But I didn’t fight it. At least, I tried not to.

When I finally made it into my wolf form, and the silent peace of being shifted embraced me, I wasn’t sure I’d ever been so glad of anything in my entire damned life.