“You’re not helping,” I scolded him.

“Both of you out.” Shelly turned toward us. “Close the door behind you. I’ll see what I can do.”

“If her memories are gone, she’s no good to us,” David said.

He was right, even if he was being an insensitive asshole. A week ago, I’d have discarded the assassin and moved on. Now, I had Skylar’s feelings to consider. In a way, she’d opened my emotions. I knew if we sent Madison away, we were signing her death warrant. While the woman had tried to kill me, she was a victim here. Skylar would lose her shit if we sent Madison packing.

As much as I wanted to fully pin my compassion on Skylar, I could feel the tugging sensation of guilt at the thought of tossing her aside. Madison had stepped up to help us at great risk to herself.

I turned to my brother and pushed him toward the door. “Go.”

“I’m just saying what you’re thinking,” he grumbled.

“We can’t,” I said. “Out.”

A moment later we were both standing in the cramped hallway, the door closed behind us.

“You think Shelly will fix it?” David asked.

“I hope so,” I said. I wished my thoughts were coming from a place of wanting to see Madison fully recover, but I wasn’t that benevolent. I didn’t want to cast her aside, but I wanted that information far more than anything else.

We needed that stone and we needed to get Clara. I wasn’t even sure if she was in the queen’s palace, but Madison was the only one who might be able to find out where they were keeping her.

My chest tightened. I’d been in that palace dozens of times over the years. If Clara had been there the whole time, how had I not sensed her?

I had to find her. When I agreed to the marriage between her and the leader of the Knights, I thought I was doing what was best for my realm. Now, I realized that I was in the wrong. Clara had said she was willing, but she’d have said anything out of a sense of duty. My forcing her into a marriage eliminated her chances of finding her true mate. I didn’t know then how incomplete I’d been before I found mine. I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on that chance.

I had to make this right.