Chapter Six


We waited until the rest of the pack was in the woods. My inner wolf was practically leaping out of me, ready to join the run. It was taking all my willpower to keep myself from shifting. I needed the shift, but I wanted to take Skylar with me.

I knew how stressful and confusing a first shift could be. I had my first shift early. Most shifters in our pack were about fifteen or sixteen at first shift. I’d shifted at twelve. My dad had said it was because I was an alpha already, destined for greatness. I wasn’t sure about that. I ran the pack well, I kept us safe, but I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Most of the elders and other members of the pack would step up to help anyone else. We were close, we looked out for each other. It was part of why I was so confident they’d welcome Skylar. And they had.

I could sense her hesitation but I could feel other emotions too. There was excitement and power hanging between us. There was also the faintest hint of a wolf ready to break free. I wasn’t sure at first, but now that we were alone, I could feel the wolf stirring inside her.

“You’re ready,” I said.

She looked up at the full moon, rising into the inky black sky. Only the brightest stars were visible against the nearly daylight glow of the moon. “I feel it.”

“Don’t be afraid. Embrace it. Go with it,” I encouraged.

She looked over at me, a grin on her lips. It was the most confident expression I’d seen on her since we started on this journey. She was ready.

I moved closer to her and slid my fingers under her shirt. She looked up at me through her lashes, the excitement radiating from her was growing with each heartbeat.

She didn’t resist when I lifted her shirt over her head. Quickly, I removed my own shirt. My cock twitched at the sight of her topless in the moonlight. The sheer bra she was wearing didn’t leave anything to the imagination. As much as I wanted to claim her right now, my inner wolf wasn’t interested in sex for a change. Now was the time to run free.

I pulled my shirt off and stepped out of my pants and boxers, kicking them aside.

Without a word, Skylar copied my actions until we were both naked in the middle of the woods. In the distance, a wolf howled and several other answered in return.

I lifted my chin, letting the call of my pack pull me toward the change.

My body convulsed, bones cracking as they reformed into the shape of a wolf. The pain was temporary, and I’d grown used to it. In a few moments, I was fully transformed in a large gray wolf. I howled into the night, the feral side taking over.

Next to me, Skylar was going through her own change, her first one. My heart raced as I watched her body tense and break. My heart ached for her, that pain of the change was scary the first time, but as soon as she was in her new form, she’d forget it. We all did.

When she emerged, fully shifted, my heart raced and flutters filled my chest. Her coat was silver, reminding me of her hair and her stunning blue eyes shone through. I could still make out the mischief in her expression.

I expected her to hesitate, to wait for me to take the lead. Instead, she took off at a full sprint.

A jolt of pure joy shot through me as I gave chase. Skylar’s wolf was a natural. She flew through the underbrush, dodged trees, and leaped over fallen logs.

I had to push to keep up with her. It had been years since I’d run with anyone with so much energy. My wolf panted in excitement as I raced through the woods.

We passed other pack members, sometimes they’d join us and run along with us for a bit. But they all wore out and fell back. Skylar never grew tired. She continued to run, taking us deeper into the forest. I’d never gone this far and the trees grew thicker, blocking the light of the moon.

My eyes adjusted as we sprinted through the quiet darkness of the woods. Smaller creatures skittered away, desperate to flee our progress. Wind raced past me, sending my fur rippling.

Finally, Skylar came to a stop before a lake. I’d seen this lake on maps, but it was miles away from the campground and I’d never ventured this far. The moon was higher now, and not as large, giving less light and allowing more stars to shine through. The sky now looked like someone had thrown a handful of glitter across it, making it sparkle and shine against the velvet darkness.

We walked up to the edge, my paws sinking into the soft sand. The lake was surrounded by trees but the sky was wide open above it. The lake was still and the dark diamond dotted sky reflected into the glassy surface.

Skylar sat down, her back rising and falling with heavy pants. Then, with a tremble, she began to shift back into her human form.

My wolf was exhausted and satisfied. I called him back, returning to my usual form. “You were incredible.”

“I can’t believe I’ve been missing that my whole life,” she said.

“I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on you.” I closed the distance between her and wrapped my arms around her. My senses were on fire, everything heightened from the shift. The feel of her bare tits pressed against my chest was enough to make me groan.

She lifted her arms, setting them on my shoulders and rose to her toes. The look on her face told me she needed this as much as I did.

There was nothing in the world better than sex after a shift. I pressed my lips to hers. It was like an explosion, my heart racing, tingles running down my arms, my whole body alight with sensation.