I stepped aside so she could enter the room only to have the door closed in my face.Same team, right?With that thought, I opened the door and entered. Shelly was setting shiny black rocks into Madison’s hands.

“Close your hands, and clear your mind,” she instructed.

Madison took a deep breath, then closed her hands around the rocks. I held my breath as I watched. And waited. And waited.

The room was silent and the energy around us shifted. I glanced toward the door as Elias stepped in. He stopped next to me, waiting alongside me.

I could hear the human breathing deeply and I could feel the magic of all the spells we’d done hanging in the air like a static charge.

Finally, Madison opened her eyes. “Holy shit.”

We waited, all of us staring at the human.

She rose from the bed and raced out of the room, I grabbed Elias and pulled him aside as she passed us.

A moment later, I heard her retching in the bathroom.

“What now?” I asked.

“We give her a minute,” Shelly said.

Sobbing replaced the sound of sick and Shelly causally walked from the room.

I could hear her consoling the assassin and I actually felt a flicker of empathy for her. She’d been a captive of the vampire queen for years. There was no telling what she’d done while under that influence. There were probably a lot of things coming back that she didn’t expect.

A red-eyed, tear streaked Madison walked back into the room a moment later. “Sorry for my outburst.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Elias said.

“The things she made me do…” Madison’s hands clenched into fists. “I thought killing was the worst. It wasn’t.”

“You remember it?” I asked. “All of it?”

“All of it,” she said.