Chapter Nineteen


I parked our borrowed car a few blocks from the apartment I’d called Skylar from. And by borrowed, I meant stolen. No need to abandon it closer to our new hideout. I wondered how long we’d last at this one before we were tracked. My magic was a dead giveaway for my location for any mage worth their salt. It wasn’t like there were a lot of demons to help get them off my trail.

It didn’t matter much anyway, we needed to meet up with Skylar when she was done with the hunters and move on. There wasn’t a choice anymore. We had to break into the palace and get the stone and find Clara. If we wasted any more time, we’d have more shifters to fight.

Between my magic and my brother’s we could take down dozens of shifters or vampires. It wasn’t a big deal. Skylar knew that. Which meant, she was trying to keep the shifters alive.

“Where are we going?” Becca, who seemed to be the leader of the group, asked.

“This way.” I started walking. It was up to the mages if they wanted to follow me. I didn’t particularly care if they survived or not. Skylar was too soft and right now, all I could think about was that she was going to do the same thing with the hunters who came for her. If she was trying to let them live, she was going to take risks.

I cursed under my breath. That was exactly what Skylar was doing. There was no way she was going for kills. I glanced at the mages behind me. They were following at a distance, as if I might burst into flames and kill them all. Which I could.

Fuck. If Skylar dies because I had to get these mages out, I was going to kill them all. It wasn’t a fair trade. Skylar was worth more than all the mages in the world.

We reached the doorway of the apartment and I waited as the mages caught up to me. “Please tell me there’s a good reason I just left my mate behind.”

“Skylar can take care of herself,” Shelly said.

“That’s true when she’s defending herself, but she’s going to go soft,” I said. “I should be with her.”

“So you can kill them all and make her hate you?” Sam asked. “Terrible idea.”

I glared at her. Was that why Skylar sent me away? Did she think I couldn’t hold back?

“Skylar is fine,” Shelly said. “And Elias is with her. He won’t let her die and you know it.”

“Besides, I think she’s onto something with those back doors,” Sam said. “I hate to admit it, but that’s worth checking out.”

I wondered if she was saying that to appease me. She was smart enough to figure out that most demons didn’t bother keeping people around if they had no use for them. I still couldn’t believe I was here, rescuing mages.

“Thank you, by the way,” one of the twins said.

My brow furrowed.

“We’re not fighters, we would have been in the way and we’d likely be dead,” she said.

“You’d likely have gotten Skylar killed,” I replied. “That’s the only reason I agreed to bring you here.”

“She’ll be okay,” Hadrian said. “She’syourmate. There’s a reason you two were paired. She’s got the same strength as you. She can handle this.”

“Since when did you get so deep?” I asked.

“Just open the damn door,” Jasper said.

The two of them seemed to be returning to normal, at least. Turning away from them, I reached for the doorknob and took hold, sending my magic through the lock. It clicked open, an easy task.

I opened the door and stepped inside the clean, white, frilly apartment. I knew Skylar was friends with the woman who lived here, and I’d never seen Skylar’s home, but based on the fluffy pink pillows I wasn’t sure how they were friends. The woman who lived here was probably Skylar’s polar opposite.

Someone yelled. One of those blood-curdling, warrior type yells that you make when you’re sure you’re going to die but you want to give it one last chance. Then a woman charged me, a spray bottle in her hands.

A stream of liquid hit my face, burning my eyes. I screamed as I covered my face, trying to keep more of the stinging foul-smelling liquid away from my face.

“Oh my god!” A mage yelled.

“You’re not taking me again, asshole,” the woman with the spray screamed.