She sprayed me a few more times then stopped. I could hear her cursing at the bottle. It must have jammed.

I wiped my face. I was covered in something wet and disgusting. Blinking, I tried to clear the substance from my watery eyes. Now, I could see the woman with the bottle. She was clearly trying to clean the nozzle.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked.

“Garlic, motherfucker.” She held up a large silver cross. “Stay back. I have a stake and I know how to use it.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “You think I’m a vampire?”

The woman’s hand was shaking and her lower lip trembled. She was trying to be tough, but her facade was cracking.

“I’m so much worse than a vampire.” I let my magic spark to life between my hands, forming a ball of lightning.

Her eyes moved to my magic, her mouth opening wide. She dropped the bottle and the cross and slowly lifted her hands. “Please don’t tie me up. If you’re going to kill me, just do it.”

“Heidi?” Shelly asked.

The woman’s face snapped up to look at Shelly. “How do you know my name? Oh god, I should have listened to Skylar and stayed away.”

“We’re not going to hurt you.” Shelly moved next to me and set her hand on my shoulder. “Turn off the magic, David. This is Heidi, Skylar’s friend. And this is Heidi’s home. We are guests.”

“We are breaking and entering, but sure, guests works too,” Sam said.

“Not helping, Sam,” Shelly said.

“Skylar knows you’re here?” Heidi asked.

“Skylar sent me,” I said.

“Is she okay?” Heidi asked.

My brow furrowed. I’d broken into this mortal’s house and I’d shown my magic. Instead of freaking out, she was asking about Skylar’s wellbeing. I let the magic fade.

Shelly set her hand on top of mine, pushing it down. I didn’t even realize I was still poised to attack.

“We’re sorry for bringing this mess to you,” Shelly said. “I can tell Skylar must trust you a great deal.”

“She also didn’t think I’d be home,” Heidi said.

“You weren’t last time,” I said.

“Seriously? You’ve broken into my apartment before?” Heidi looked appalled.

“Sorry,” I said, not sure why I felt guilty. Maybe it was because she wasn’t screaming anymore. Or because she hadn’t kicked us out.

Heidi shook her head. “I should have stayed away.” She narrowed her eyes, taking in each of us. “None of you are vampires, are you?”

I laughed. “No, and we’re planning to kill a shit ton of them. Does that help?”

Her face grew serious. “If you’re prepping to kill vampires, I want in.”

“No wonder Skylar likes you,” I said. “I’m David. Skylar’s mate.”

“One of her mates,” Sam clarified.

I resisted the urge to punch her.

“You’re all her friends?” Heidi asked. “Do you work with her?”