I realized she had no idea what we meant by the wordmatebut I’d let Skylar explain it later.

“How much do you know?” Shelly asked.

“About vampires or about Skylar? Because I’m starting to realize I know pretty much nothing,” Heidi said.

“Long story short, vampires are trying to take over the world and we’re trying to stop them,” Becca said. “Oh, and we’re mages, those three are demons, and your friend Skylar is a hybrid.”

Heidi blinked a few times. “That was a lot of information in a single sentence.”

“Probably too much to share with a human.” I growled and looked back at the mages standing behind me.

“She’s in danger now that we’re here and she deserves to know why,” Becca said. “That whole keeping our world secret thing is bullshit. I’m over it. Besides, we’re probably all dead by morning anyway.”

“Maybe we should go somewhere else,” Sam said. “Or send her away. I can spell her and she’d get on a bus tonight.”

“You will do no such thing,” Heidi spat. “None of your magic on me. I was used as bait and nearly killed by a vampire a few days ago and then I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. I will not have any more bad shit done to me by people who aren’t me. If something bad happens, it will be on my terms. Do you understand?”

I smiled. “I like her.”

“Yeah,” Sam said. “Welcome to the club. I’m sure we can find a use for you.”

“One big, fucking, dysfunctional family, huh?” Becca asked.

“I hope I never see any of you again after this,” Sam said. “So, yeah, just like family.”

“You people are insane, you know that?” Heidi asked. “Who wants tea?”

She walked into the kitchen and pulled an electric kettle out of a cupboard. The human was seriously going to make tea and pretend like it was normal that a group of mages and three demons just broke into her apartment.

I guess I can see why Skylar was friends with her after all.