We were at an impasse unless I was willing to risk the demon.

“Don’t back down,” Clara said. “Please. Get the stone.”

Marcella tightened her grip around the woman’s throat and Clara gasped, her hands reaching for the queen’s arm to loosen the grip.

I growled.

“Let her go,” Skylar said.

“I don’t think I will,” Marcella said. “Can’t you see everything I’ve done for you? All of this to make you love me. Look at them. That foolish hybrid willing to risk death for her mate. And here’s your mate. The most powerful vampire in the world. No one governs me. No limit to what I can take. The only thing I want, I can’t have.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” Skylar said. “Let her go. Why don’t you talk about it?”

“I’m done talking,” Marcella said. “If I can’t have what I want, I’ll take everything else.”

She held Clara fast with her arm around her neck. Her free hand reached into her pocket. She lifted the stones. “Let’s find out if they’ll work on a hybrid. I’m not sure what broke your spell, but I’ll just keep using the stone on you until you can’t break free.”

My pulse raced. I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t be under that spell again and I was not going to let her get Skylar.

If the queen followed through on her threat, I had to hope the demons would understand.

I tensed, ready to spring forward, ready to go for the queen’s throat. Suddenly, the throne room was full of the sound of screams. As if a legion of soldiers had charged in, battle cries in full unison.

Distracted, we all turned toward the door.

Madison led the charge. Behind her came shifters by the dozen. Some in wolf form, others in their human form, but I could feel them all. They were all like me.

They’d all broken free of the stone’s magic and they were all pissed.