Chapter Twenty-Nine


Oh, hell no.I was not going to turn into a zombie for Marcella to control. That stone, and the other stone she’d apparently had the whole fucking time, were mine.

I charged forward just as screams filled the room. Sure, I was screaming internally. I think. Or was I yelling out loud?

With a glance behind me, I saw that we weren’t alone. My eyes widened at the sight of wolves transforming and shifters in their human form charging forward. Madison at the front like a general leading the charge.

“Get the stone!” Madison yelled.

Her words unlocked my temporary shock and I turned back toward Marcella. She was aiming the stone at us, her mouth moving. She was still holding onto Clara but she wasn’t fleeing or fighting.

I grinned. That cocky bitch thought the stone was enough. I wasn’t going to let it be.

Xander’s wolf was by my side now, the two of us racing toward the queen. He snapped at her and Marcella’s attention was torn away from the spell she was trying to cast.

She stumbled, then she pushed Clara into Xander, knocking him off balance. I pressed on, reaching for the stone.

Marcella kicked me, her foot striking me in the gut. I grunted and doubled over, momentarily thrown off while I found my breath. When I stood, I saw Clara facing off against Marcella.

It wasn’t fair to ask her to take out her mate. No matter the bad blood behind them, it shouldn’t have to be her.

I moved forward and the massive bear shifter blocked my path, rearing up on its hind legs and letting out a roar that shook the ground. Usually, I’m not freaked out when I face shifters. A bear was another thing entirely.

Xander streaked in front of me, his wolf attacking the bear with all its might. He cleared the path for me and I charged forward, closing in on Marcella.

“Give me the stones,” Clara said. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Just give them to me. We’ll figure something out.”

“Don’t lie to me,” Marcella said. “You turned me down before I had the stone. Do you have any idea how weak it made me look? That’s why I had to kill the Knights. A mate’s rejection was enough to remove me from power. You nearly ruined me.”

“That’s what this is about?” Clara hissed. “Your power. That’s what it’s always been about.”

There was a battle raging around me, shifters and vampires tore at each other’s flesh. The room was a cacophony of screams and growls and bodies hitting the floor or each other. It was deafening but I was glued to the scene unfolding in front of me.

I should take the queen now, while she was distracted but I could feel the confusion and anger rolling from Clara in waves. Marcella had kept her captive, brainwashed her, who knew what else. Clara needed this tiny bit of closure.

“You tortured me,” Clara said. “After the Knights were gone. You had what you wanted. You could have anything.”

“But you,” Marcella said. “You were the only thing that I couldn’t have and you were the only thing that should have come easy. You’re my mate. You are supposed to be mine.”

“No,” Clara said. “That’s not how it should be. That’s not how a true mate behaves. I’m not your property.”

“You are!” Marcella lifted the stone.

Closure time over.I balled my hands into fists. What I wouldn’t give for a wooden stake right now. Or at least my dagger. Dammit. Why hadn’t I tried to hide it? I’d been so worried it would be taken and lost forever, I’d left it at Heidi’s.

Too late for that now. I was going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. I charged forward. Clara glanced over at me and I caught the faintest feeling of regret coming from her. It was too late now. We both knew what had to be done.

I pushed her aside. “I’m sorry.”

Then I turned to Marcella. “You’re going to regret that you didn’t kill me when you had the chance.”

“I won’t make that mistake twice,” Marcella said. She lunged for me, swiping her hand through the air like a claw, just missing my face.

I ducked and then stepped forward, leaning into a punch that nailed her in the stomach.

She grunted, but didn’t even seem to lose a step as she was already coming at me again.