The stones weren’t in her hands anymore. She must have stashed them back in her pocket. I had to take her down. I had to get those stones.

A black cloud rose around her and swallowed her, making her impossible to see. I plowed forward, reaching into the smoke, trying to find her.

No, no, no. I was not going to get this close and then lose it all.

Someone grabbed me, strong arms pinning mine to my sides. I could make out the unmistakable stench of death mixed with what was probably very expensive perfume.


Marcella’s tongue flicked over my forehead. “You’re delicious, you know that? I think I’ll taste you. Then I might even turn you.”

I elbowed her, but she didn’t even react. I might as well have been trying to fight with a brick wall. I almost forgot how tough ancient vampires were. I’d been fighting so many younger ones lately.

I glanced around, trying to find my mates. Anyone who could help me. I spotted Xander’s wolf, still fighting the bear. Then I saw David and Elias and the mages. They’d all made it. But now the word was out. All of Marcella’s loyal vampires were keeping my friends busy.

“They can’t see you,” she said. “I’ve got a glamour over us. It’s just you and me. I can take all the time I want. I can savor this.”

My heart pounded against my ribs and terror squeezed in my chest. This was not how I was going to die. And I was not going to be her vampire plaything for eternity.

I struggled and squirmed, trying to fight my way out of her iron grip. Panic seized me. How was I going to get out of this? This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t be the end.

Marcella’s tongue lapped over my neck and I felt her fangs brush against the sensitive skin. Tears rolled down my cheeks as desperation hit. I struggled again trying to break her grip.

“It’ll hurt less if you stop moving so much,” Marcella said.

“Go ahead and turn me,” I said. “Then I can kill you.”

“You can’t kill your maker,” Marcella said.

“But I can,” another voice said. “I can also see through your glamour.”

Marcella screamed, then her body began to tremble and she released me from her grip. I stepped away quickly and turned to see a human woman with her hair in a wild, messy bun and a torn blouse. Whatever she’d been through recently, it hadn’t been great.

Marcella fell to her knees, then landed face down. A stake in her back, positioned right where it could penetrate her heart.