We reachedmy room without any problems, and snuck in without being caught by anyone. Luckily, I’d managed to keep my keys despite all the drama at the sub shop.

Ford made a big show of sniffing every damn inch of the place while I organized all of the new things I’d brought back from his human’s house. I hadn’t gotten a new roommate this semester, luckily, so I had both beds, desks, and closets to myself.

I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done if I had to explain the wolf’s presence to a roommate… obviously that hadn’t gone well when Tea tried it with me, and she and I had been friends for an entire year by then.

When everything was put away, I sat down at my desk and cracked my laptop open, mentally going over the four different assignments I should’ve already had done, and the assload of studying that I still owed a few of my courses.

Ford wedged himself between my feet, the desk, and the chair, somehow weaving his furry self in-between my legs and the entire sitting contraption. I didn’t know what he was hoping to achieve by doing that, but it was probably working.

I ordered some food on a delivery app, since I knew there was no getting the wolf out of the room without a fight—and that if I did manage to get him out, he’d probably kill someone for looking my way. There was a good chance I’d be paying a lot of delivery fees until I figured out what to do with the damn wolf snuggled up to my legs.

I worked in relative quiet until the wolf growled.

He lunged for the door as someone knocked, twice.

I shot after him, grabbing his face and hissing, “If they know you’re here, they’ll kick you out. You can’t let anyone hear you.”

The wolf growled quietly at me, but I could tell now when he was trying to threaten someone with the noise and when he was just using it to communicate. This time, he was just telling me he was frustrated by my grabbing him and basically telling him to shut up.

I peeked out the peephole, and when I saw the coast clear, ducked outside to grab my bag of food.

Ford was pissed when I opened the door, but he got over it quickly when he smelled food.

I eyed him. “This isn’t for you. I don’t know how much you eat, but based on what I saw in your fridge, I’m going to have to guess it’s a lot. So if you’re hungry, you’re going to have to go outside and hunt some poor small wild animal like the wolf you are.” I gestured to him.

He didn’t look offended, and jumped up onto my bed as I sat the bag down on my desk.

He watched me closely as I ate, staring at me like a damned stalker no matter the move I made. Tea had said something about werewolves not sleeping, which was weird, but so far Ford definitely hadn’t seemed tired at all.

After I ate and cleaned up, I grabbed my shower caddy and glanced at the door, before glancing back at Ford.

I wanted another shower, now that I smelled like the wolf.

But… he didn’t look like he was going anywhere.

Or going to let me go anywhere.

“I need to shower, and I can’t bring you with me,” I told Ford. “Growl once for yes, and two for no, to show me you understand me.”

He growled once, and then again.


I was learning wolf.

About damn time.

“You don’t want me to shower?” I checked.

He didn’t respond, so I tried again. “You don’t want me to leave you here?”

He growled once for yes.


He just didn’t want me to ditch him.