That didn’t surprise me one bit, although I didn’t much like the situation it put me in.

Guess I’d be putting off the shower for another day or two. Hopefully by then, Ford’s possessiveness would ease up.

I put my shower stuff away and sat back down at my desk. “Tomorrow, I’m going to need you to go to classes with me,” I warned. “You’ll have to wait outside the buildings.”

He bared his fangs and gave a threatening growl.

“I’m going to take that as an, ‘I’ll think about it,’” I remarked.

The wolf scowled.

I worked on projects until I was falling asleep at my desk, and then I climbed slowly into bed and tugged my blankets over me.

When morning came around,something warm moved against my side.

I ignored it at first, until a brush of fur tickled the strip of skin between my t-shirt and the sleep shorts I’d put on sometime before I fell asleep.

“Ford,” I mumbled a complaint.

He licked my arm, and I shoved lightly at his head. He gave a rumbly laugh-like sound, and I shoved again, though the second time it was much more playful.

“I didn’t tell you that you could sleep in my bed,” I reminded Ford, as the playing died down.

He gave me a doe-eyed look that made me roll my eyes. “My sympathy cannot be bought.”

He lowered his head, and I resisted the urge to scratch him behind his ears.

“I know you think I’m your mate, Ford. And from what Teagan says, there’s no way around that. But I’m still going to have to keep living my own life and making my own decisions.”

The wolf licked at my hand, making his barky-laugh noise when he got a few of my fingers before I jerked my hand away.

“I’ve got to get ready to go to class, Ford. And if you don’t want me to go, you’re going to have to bite me.”

The wolf pulled his head back and studied me.

He didn’t look opposed to the idea.

“I can’t keep missing classes, okay? I’ve spent the last few weeks obsessing over whether or not werewolves are real, and I’m… well, I’m behind. Or at least, not as ahead as I’d like to be. I’ve got scholarships I have to keep my grades up for, and I’m in this fast-grad program so I can’t risk getting behind. Which means you either have to go to class with me, or bite me.”

He nudged my neck with his nose, sniffing me.

I started to push him away, but he growled at me for it. The noise wasn’t threatening, but I did let him keep going.

He sniffed at my arm, then my armpit, then my chest.

I rolled my eyes at that one.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

He made a noncommittal noise, and I rolled my eyes at him when he resumed poking and prodding my body, sniffing me all over.

I probably should’ve felt like a piece of meat, but I didn’t. He was being gentle, and my fingers actually managed to bury themselves in his fur and scratch his head while he was sniffing.

That may have encouraged him to keep sniffing; I didn’t really know.

But I didn’t mind it, even if I really needed to get ready for class.

“Alright, it’s time,” I announced to the wolf. “Either bite me, or let’s get ready and go.”