But the bathrooms had always been quiet and mostly empty when we’d done that earlier; I wasn’t sure how she would take it if there were other people around.

Time was the only thing that would tell though, I guess.

We slipped out of my room, heading down the hallway to the left. I really needed a shower, but I was afraid of tempting the wolves in us with that kind of separation. I could shower quickly, but I’d still need five to ten minutes, which was a lot longer than we’d been separated so far.

Maybe I’d try later. I rarely saw anyone in the bathrooms later than one or two AM; people were still awake then, but quiet and mostly keeping to themselves.

Luckily our bathroom trip was uneventful, and when we got back to my room, I sat down at my desk with my laptop. I should’ve already been mostly finished with my studying for the day so I could get ahead a bit, but thanks to my lack of focus, I had barely begun.

Ford opened his laptop, sitting on the floor off to my side like it was the most normal thing in the world to do. I noticed him every time he moved, since he wasn’t too far away, and I kept getting distracted by him as he typed.

Was he writing a book?

Or writing something about me?

Or doing something else entirely?

My curiosity was going to drive me insane.

After half an hour or so, he got up.

I turned my head to look at him just in time to see him strip out of his jeans, his t-shirt already sitting on the edge of the bed.

My mouth dried at the sight of his tight ass.


He was so hot it shouldn’t have even been freakin’ legal.

And no underwear?

I guess it made sense given how often werewolves probably had to strip down and shift forms, but…


I barely managed to turn my head back to my screen before Ford came back to sit down on the floor, where he’d been earlier.

“You can sit at the other desk if you want, you know,” I remarked, not wanting him to feel obligated to sit by me. “I’m pretty sure my wolf would be fine since I’d still be able to hear you and whatnot.”

Whatnot, meaning, feel his eyes on me while he stared. And smell him; was he supposed to smell so freakin’ good?

“I’m good here,” he murmured. Said eyes were definitely staring at me; I could feel them devouring me whole.

Maintaining a calm facade, I nodded. “Your ass, not mine.”

He chuckled. “I can assure you, my ass is very much yours.”

My face heated.

Hot damn, was he trying to kill me?

I tugged at the already-gigantic neckline of the soft gray sweater falling off one of my shoulders, exposing the crimson strap of my bra. Ford and I had done everything all out of order so far… and I loved that more than I should’ve.

It took me another ten minutes before I was finally focused on my homework. Though it wasn’t my typical ultra-focus, I’d take what I could get given all that had happened in the last few days.

A knock at the door ten minutes after that distracted my already-distracted self, though.

I knew it had to be Elliot; he’d need to pick up my keys before he could get my car.