Ford stood when I did, and though his position was casual, there was an underlying tension beneath it that told me he shared more characteristics with that possessive wolf than I’d been assuming.

He peered out the peephole while I grabbed my keys, and stepped back behind the door when I slid past him and grabbed the doorknob. He made plenty of space for me when I opened up the door without looking out the peephole myself, which told me he wasn’t worried about whoever he’d seen outside.

Elliot, I was sure.

And yup, I was right.

“Hi,” I gave him and Rocco a small smile when I saw them on my doorstep.

“Hey,” Elliot said, as both men grinned back. “Good to see you still in one piece.”

I tucked my ankle behind the door, mentally cursing myself for not thinking of the bite mark there, which had healed up just as fast as Ford’s wolf had bitten me.

“Surviving,” I agreed, as I handed my keys over. “Thank you so much for doing this.”

“Any time,” Rocco said with a wink.

A soft growl came from the other side of the door, and I sighed.

Ford was definitely still the possessive wolf.

Both of his friends chuckled, and Rocco offered, “Don’t worry, we get it.”

“Yeah,” I said, fiddling with the doorknob.

A male hand tugged my sweater up over my shoulder, and I would’ve smacked it if the damn thing hadn’t been half-hidden behind the door.

“I would be surprised if Ford’s wolf hunts for very long, so try to text me once a day to let me know you’re alright. We’ll need to bring a lot of food and keep an eye on you while Ford catches up on sleep after The Hunt,” Elliot added.

I nodded. “I’ll try to do it around dinner time every night.”

“Cool. If I don’t get a text, I’m going to show up with pizza.”

I smiled. “Pizza is always welcome, but I’ll text.”

He gave me a tentative grin. “Good. We have dinner as a pack almost every night, if you ever want to stop by for free food. We’ll even feed the wolf,” he winked.

Another quiet growl had me shooting a glare at the door, even though I obviously couldn’t see Ford through it.

“Alright, you better get out of here before my wolf eats you.” I waved them toward the stairs. “Thanks again.”

“No problem.”

The guys turned around, and I closed the door, spinning to glare at Ford.

He was staring at me, his chest rising and falling a bit fast. The way his shoulders lifted with every breath…

No, I was not getting distracted by his gorgeousness.

“What was that?” I gestured toward the door. “Those are your friends.”

His eyes closed, and I noticed that his jaw was clenched.


“I know.” He gritted the word out.

I waited for more of an explanation, but it didn’t come for another minute.