He must've believed me,because he finally left, and getting dressed after he was gone was quick even with my injured feet.

No way in hell was I putting shoes back on, so I just headed out with my socked feet. Every footstep hurt more than the last, but I braved my way to the front porch with Jesse at my side. The porch had a comfortable-looking hammock swinging across it, and I itched to sit in it and just swing for a bit but reminded myself that I'd been kidnapped.

And there was no Stockholm Syndrome allowed.

Jesse growled before I stepped off the porch.

"I'm getting really tired of getting growled at. And licked. And pretty much everything else that has to do with you being a wolf." I narrowed my eyes at him. "We aren't friends, okay? You think I'm your mate, but you kidnapped me. I don't like you."

He scowled.

Turning, he trotted toward the house next door.

I went to step off the stairs, but like he had eyes on the back of his head, he gave a warning growl.

"Damn wolf," I muttered.

I was saying that a lot, wasn't I?

What was he even doing?

I didn’t know, but I stayed on the porch, giving him a minute for whatever he had planned.

He came back thirty seconds later, with Smiley in tow.

What was Smiley's name again?


Dammit, I needed to pay more attention.

"Looks like you need a little help," Smiley called out as he approached.

"If you're offering to help, I'll take a ride home. I'll even agree not to go tell the police about the kidnapping werewolves of Moon Ridge if you take me back right now."

He grinned. "The cops already know about us. Why else haven't you heard about all the other abductions from your college over the past few decades?"

My eyes widened.


He scooped me up off the ground without asking permission. I fought his grip, attempting to get free, but the man was just as buff and football-player-esque as the rest of the guys.

I expected him to set me down when we reached the house, but instead, he hauled me all the way to Ford's kitchen table before setting me down in one of the chairs.

"Wolves are protective," he explained to me as he stepped back. "Jesse doesn't like you walking around if it hurts your feet."

"I noticed," I drawled. Looking around the kitchen, which was loaded with all five of the pack's men, plus Jesse, I wondered aloud, "Where are the rest of your mates?"

One of the guys smirked. I didn't recognize him, even though I was sure he’d been with the group earlier. He had long brown hair tied up in a man-bun on the top but shaved on the sides, his face made up of sharp angles and well-trimmed stubble barely long enough to consider it a beard. "Not a clue. Our wolves don't warn us before they choose a mate, though they do start nesting."

"Nesting? Like a pregnant woman?" I asked incredulously.

"Yup. They make us buy extra crap, clean out our freezers, get our houses nice and tidy. Shit like that," he explained.

"I should probably already know, but what’s your name again?" I asked. I assumed the question would offend him, but didn’t really care. I needed to know all of their names in case they were lying about the cops being in on this werewolf shit.