"I'm Zed. We grow up being trained for this, warned that joining a pack is a lot for a human who's used to being on their own for the most part. Forgetting a name isn’t a big deal."

Wow. That was surprisingly courteous...and surprisingly creepy, too.

"Your parents prepare you for kidnapping humans?" I asked incredulously.

"How else are we supposed to get our mates into our houses right after we meet them, while trapped in our wolf forms?"

Okay, that was almost a valid question.


Minus the abducting-innocent-humans part.

"You could have one of your other pack-friends try to woo the human girls into coming here before you sic a wolf on them," I suggested.

Another of the guys whose names I didn't remember dropped into the chair beside Zed. He was almost as pale as I was, with scruffy blonde hair and an equally scruffy beard. "Ha!" He snorted and looked at Jesse. "You picked a funny one."

I scowled. "Why is that funny?"

"One of us flirting with another wolf's mate would pretty much be like declaring war. There's not a wolf in the world who would accept another man hitting on his woman. Our wolves are protective first, and possessive second."

"Really?" I frowned.

I'd just determined that they weren't possessive though.

"He let Eli carry me here." I gestured to Jesse's house, and then to Smiley. I still couldn't remember the second half of his name, so I shortened it.

"Elliot," Smiley called out from the kitchen, also not offended by my forgetfulness.

"And pretty much all of you have touched me at one point or another, though not...sexily."

Sexily? Geeze, I was going to get myself in trouble if I kept making words up and guessing names.

The scruffy guy grinned. "Not sexily is the key part of that phrase. We're all packmates, which means we're brothers. Jesse trusts us, but not infinitely. If we hit on you, he'd still try to kill us."

So theoretically… I could get myself out of Moon Ridge by kissing his packmates so the wolf attacked them.

It wasn't the most ethical plan I'd ever had, but it could save my life from a bunch of werewolves, so I'd roll with it.

"What was your name again?" I asked Scruffy Guy.

"Rocco." He was still grinning.

And the perfect first target.

"Sexy name," I remarked.

Rocco's grin faltered.

Zed's eyes narrowed.

Perfect. I had the absolute perfect plan.

Minus the brothers killing each other, but I doubted that would actually happen if I was the one flirting and not them.

Jesse eyed me suspiciously, jumping up in the chair beside mine and sitting.

"So what are you studying, Teagan?" Smiley called out from the kitchen, smoothing over the tension my comment had created.