Damn, I was good.

Or terrible, depending on your perspective, but I was going with good.

Rocco grabbed my wrist, tugging it away from his face as he stepped back into the kitchen. "I'm not really—"

I grabbed him around the neck, pressing my lips to his.

Go big or go home, right?

I'd had a couple of boyfriends, though none of them had been serious. But if there was one thing I'd learned, it was that little kisses on the lips didn't feel intimate to me. So kissing Rocco? Easy. No conscience required.

Rocco dropped me into a chair just as Jesse the wolf lunged for his throat.

I bit back a grin as I leaned away, only to get confronted by another of the guys.

Elliot began, "Teagan, what—"

I cut him off with a kiss to his mouth, too.

The more the merrier.

Jesse roared, and Elliot stepped away from me just in time to get tackled by the wolf.

One last guy would ensure proper, full-out chaos, so I grabbed Ford by the shirt and smacked my lips to his. He shook his head at me, but the respect in his eyes told me he knew exactly what I was doing.

And, just like Elliot had, he ducked away from me just before he was tackled.

The other guys were trying to calm the wolf as well as keep him from ripping into the ones I'd kissed. One of them had started shifting too at one point—which wasn’t a short process—and the house was loud and crazy.

Stepping to the side of the room, I grabbed Ford's keys off a hook on his garage door and silently slipped away from the chaos. When I got outside, I climbed into the sporty silver car without a moment of hesitation.

Hitting the buttons to start the engine and open the garage at the same time, I prepped myself for wolves to run out into the garage and try to stop me.

They didn't come.

When the garage door was far enough open, I reversed faster than I ever had in my whole damn life and then peeled away from the house.

Free at last.