I glancedover my shoulder and into the rearview mirror a thousand times on my way through the town. Luckily, Moon Ridge was small enough that I didn't have a problem finding the dirt road that would lead me back home. And luckily, my abductors didn't catch up to me.

I flew down that dirt road way too fast for comfort, but comfort went out the window the moment I was kidnapped.

And frankly, I wasn't sure I'd ever get that comfort back.

But my life was still mine, and I was going to live it to the best of my damn ability until the day that wolf found me and bit me.

As the dirt road ended, I remembered that I'd left my phone and keys in my locker at the sub shop. That would be a good place to ditch Ford's car, too, since they already knew I worked there. But parking there would mean walking, and I was not only shoeless, but injured.

I let out a small groan, knowing I'd just have to deal with it.

After parking in the sandwich shop's lot, I hurried out of the car. There was no time to waste. Entering through the employee entrance, I thanked my lucky stars when the break room was empty.

Stepping up to my locker, my shaky fingers twisted the spinner to undo the combination lock. It took two tries, but when it was open, I grabbed my backpack out of the locker and hugged it to my chest.

Finally, something from my normal life.

Something safe.

I pulled my phone out and slid the backpack's straps over my arms, far too aware that I was only wearing a bra, leggings, and socks.

"Tea," my manager called from behind me.


With a silent groan, I turned to face him.

"Hi, Warren." I forced a smile.

"You're not supposed to work until tonight. You missed me, didn't you?" he teased.

"Yep, that's it." I laughed nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Look, I'm sorry for the last-minute notice, but I can't work tonight." I paused. "Or ever again. I'm going to have to quit. I'm sorry." I tried not to cringe at my overuse of the word "sorry," but sometimes words just came out of my mouth without me realizing I was saying them or thinking them at all.

"What?" Warren's eyebrows shot upward. "You're our best employee."

"I know, but something happened, and I just—I have to quit. And I'm sorry, but I have to go right now. Bye."

I practically ran out of there.

If not for my feet, I would've been running for sure.

"Wait, Teagan!" Warren called after me. "Can't we at least talk about it?"

I waved a hand in the air over my shoulder to say no, hurrying down the sidewalk.

Every step burned, but I forced myself to keep moving.

I was not going to be caught by Jesse or any of the other Moon Ridge wolves again. I wasn't going to be a damn werewolf-mate, or a mail-order bride they kidnapped instead of paying.

As I went, my gaze caught on a bus stop. I never rode the bus, since pretty much everywhere I needed to go was within walking distance. My roommate had a car, and she’d drive me on the rare occasion I needed to go further than I could walk.

Glancing down at my feet, I remembered that wolves were hunters and that they were good at sniffing things out. If Jesse was hunting me, my wounded, socked feet were probably leaving an easy trail.

And… I wasn't going to be an easy catch.