"Forty-eight hours?"I repeated.

"I'm sure your mom can take him back to wherever she found him," Ebony offered.

If he was actually a dog, that would’ve worked.

Given that he was a hunting werewolf, I was thinking it was a no-go.

"I'll call her tomorrow," I managed to say, glancing at the clock. It was almost midnight; she was definitely asleep.

"Sorry. I even called my advisor, but she agreed with Sterling," Madeline apologized. "There's a twenty-pound limit."

"Thanks for trying." I wrapped my arms around my stomach. "I really appreciate it."

"That's what I'm here for." She gave me a sad smile. "He does seem like a good dog."

Of course he did; he wanted me to be his wolfy wife.

"Have a good night," Madeline said, stepping out of the room.

"Dammit," I muttered.

"Now you have an excuse to give your mom," Ebony offered.

My forced smile was brittle.

If only it was that simple.

"I'm going to go to bed and figure it out in the morning," I mumbled. "Goodnight."

Turning over, I accidentally ended up cuddling the wolf.

He licked the top of my foot, and I was too tired to tell him off for it. Or to roll away from him.

So I just shut my eyes, and went to sleep.

Since I forgotto plug in my phone, my alarm didn't go off, and I didn't wake up until noon the next day. Jesse was still exactly where I'd left him. My feet were throbbing even worse than they'd been the day before, and I knew I had an assload of homework and studying to catch up on.

Ebony was already in class; her classes were spread out on every day of the week, with gaps between each of them so she had time to study after every class to really let the material sink in. She was living my dream life, with her fast-grad program and her study time.

But I was surviving.


I wiggled my laptop out from underneath the wolf. It had been sandwiched between us when I rolled over the night before, and I hadn't even noticed.

Jesse licked my ankle.

"Don't push your luck," I mumbled.

He licked again.

The obvious tease reminded me of Jesse in the sandwich shop, before his wolf had taken over. He'd made a joke—the veggie sandwich joke.

Honestly, it had been a little funny.

I opened my laptop and pulled up a blank document. Lists weren't really my thing, but sometimes they could help me organize my thoughts.