"Alright. I have forty-eight hours to find a new place, or get rid of you," I spoke to Jesse.

Why I was speaking to him at all was beyond me, but I typed 48 HOURS at the top of my page. Beneath that, I typed out the two options: get rid of Jesse, and find a new place.

"The simplest option would be to get rid of you. Can you leave?” I checked.

He growled at me.

“That’ll be a no. Second simplest option would be to move into your house." I paused. "Or your human's house? I don't know how to talk about you two. Or you one. Werewolves are weird."

He blew a puff of air on my ankle, and I kicked at him on instinct. That earned me a wolfy chuckle and another puff of air.

"But I don't have a car, so I have no way to get there," I said, adding that to my document. "I'd have to walk, since I also don't have phone numbers for any of your buddies. I guess you could go retrieve one of them, but I'm not sure I can talk you into leaving my side..."

I bit my lip, focusing on typing out all the potential problems with my plan.

The wolf was lapping at my ankle like it was a damn water bowl at that point, but I was getting over it.

"If we did go with that plan, I could probably take your car to my classes on the days I have class. I can't get my money back for the semester, but if I freeze most of the shit in your fridge and ration it, I might have the food and funds to survive the next couple of months. Gas money would be hard to swing, but with the food in the freezer..." I trailed off as I continued typing. "Plus, you can hunt for food since you’re a wolf and all, so I don't have to feed you if I stay there."

When I finished typing, I moved to option two.

"Or, I can get rid of you. But you already said you won’t leave, so the only way to really do that is by asking you to bite me, right?" I checked.

His tongue paused on my inner-ankle and his teeth scraped my leg. I shivered.

That would be a yes.

"Assuming I let you bite me, I either die, or you go back to human form." I didn't ask that time, not wanting another nibble to confirm it.

He nibbled confirmation anyway.

"And if I survive, I become a werewolf."

Another nibble on my ankle answered that question.

My fingers were slow as I typed that out.

I was already leaning toward option one.

"Assuming I move back to your place, how much time would that buy me? A week? A month? A year?"

The wolf resumed licking.

"I should've gotten Ford's phone number," I muttered. "Alright, I need an answer to that question. Nod for yes, shake your head for no." I lifted the blanket off his head.

He ignored me, continuing to lick my ankle.

"I'm not kidding, Jesse. I can't make a decision unless you at least give me an estimate." He continued licking. "How long do most people get after the wolf starts hunting before they get bitten? I'm going to rattle off timeframes, and you nibble when I get to the average, okay?"

He didn't acknowledge me, but I knew he'd heard me. And he seemed to like nibbling on me, so I assumed he'd be cool with it.

"A week," I said.

No nibble.

"Two weeks."

No nibble.