"Three weeks?"


"A month."

Just more licking.

"Two months?" I asked.

That time, he hesitated.

"Three months?"

He nibbled, then.

"Two to three months. Wow, that's longer than I expected. I can work with three months."

I did the math mentally. We were almost to the end of September, so three months would get me to Christmas.

Of course, three months was probably the average timeframe. Which meant Jesse might give me more time, or less time. It couldn't be an exact science, or else the wolf wouldn't be hunting, he would just be waiting.

"Let's make a deal," I told the wolf.

His tongue paused on my ankle.

"If you let me finish the semester out and spend one last Christmas with my mom before you bite me, I'll stop fighting you."

It wouldn't be Stockholm Syndrome, because I was no longer a victim.

At least, I didn't think I was a victim. It was hard to say, given the strange, supernatural position I'd somehow managed to land myself in.

But victim or not, I had to deal with the hand I'd been dealt. And I'd been dealt a werewolf.

The wolf finally lifted his head, looking in my eyes.

"I'll even be nice to you," I added. "If I'm going to die when you bite me, I want to die having finished the semester... and my mom loves Christmas, so I want to spend it with her so she has good memories of me. If I don't die, I can start the spring semester back up without a problem.”

Jesse stared at me.

I stared back.

He finally nodded his head.

"Thank you," I said.

He licked my ankle.

I deleted the document I'd typed up, so there was no evidence of my werewolf notes or anything, and got out of bed to go use the bathroom. I'd been needing to pee since I woke up, but was dreading the walk there.

My feet hurt even more than they had the day before.

Stopping before I headed down the hallway, I pulled some ibuprofen out of my dresser and grabbed an old water bottle off the window ledge, swallowing the meds. After opening my dresser and pulling out the first pair of clean clothes I saw, I finally shuffled toward the bathroom.

Jesse didn't stay in bed that time. But he did walk beside me, and it was nice to have him there so I could use him to break my fall if the pain got too bad and I crashed.

He waited for me outside while I peed and changed. I was in too much pain to even take the time to brush my damn teeth, so minty gum would save my mouth.

After we walked back, he gave me a stern look and a warning growl before he slipped out the door.