Steppingin at the back of the shower, I tugged the curtain into place before I tossed my towel over it so I didn't flash Jesse as I stripped. When I slid under the water, I breathed a sigh of relief as the sweat of the last nine days began to wash away.

I heard a noise and peeked out the curtain, expecting to see Jesse staring at the outline of me or something. Instead, I saw him slouched against the wall. My towel was bundled up under his head like a pillow, and wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

A snore escaped him, and I bit back a grin before closing the curtain.

I'd never been really close to a guy before. I'd definitely never seen one fall asleep, and on a toilet, no less. I'd had three boyfriends, but none of the relationships had ever gotten serious. I'd only even slept with the one guy—Jimmy Cooper. That was a mistake, but you live and you learn.

I took my time in the shower, but as I rinsed shampoo from my hair, I started to get hungry.

Really hungry.

My stomach growled loud enough to rattle the damn townhouse, and Jesse's snores cut off abruptly.

"Tea?" His voice was groggy.

It was hard to remember that even though he seemed new, he'd been following me around for more than a month. So I didn't know him, but he knew me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I called back.

My stomach growled again, and I nearly groaned.

Holy shit, was my body eating itself?

I slapped conditioner on my hair and washed it out without waiting for it to work its magic, then shut off the water. Slipping my hand out of the shower, I reached for the towel rack. It usually had a couple of towels on it, but Jesse’s friends had been taking turns staying with us, and they didn't restock things the way I did.

"Here." Jesse put the towel in my hand.

I left my hand there, cringing. "Did one of your friends use this towel?"

Jesse took it back and sniffed it. "Nope. All I smell is you."


I accepted the towel and wrapped it around myself before drawing the curtain back.

Jesse's eyes trailed down my body, and I put a hand on my hip. "You're not seriously going to check me out while I'm standing right here, watching."

His throat bobbed. "Sorry. It's natural. You're gorgeous, and you're my mate. I'll try to keep it under wraps."

Well, I didn't mind the compliment.

Shaking my head, I strode toward the bedroom I'd claimed. Jesse followed me there, which was only slightly annoying.

"Can you wait outside?" I asked him.

"I can, but I'm not sure you'll be alive to let me in afterward, the way your stomach's growling."

My lips twitched, threatening to lift upward in a grin. "Fine. Just close the door, and turn around."

He did as instructed, and I dressed quickly before wrapping my hair in the towel. It was going to stay up like that for a bit so it didn't drip everywhere while I ate.

"When we go down there, it would be good if you tried not to touch the other guys," Jesse said as we headed toward the stairs. "My wolf's kind of..." he ran his fingers lightly over his collarbone, and it took major effort for me not to stare at him in fascination as he did.

I forced my attention away from his bare chest and collarbone. "Kind of what?"
