I got the feeling that wasn't the word he'd wanted to use.

"And by testy, you mean possessive?"

"Yeah, but you’re not a fan of that trait."

"No, but watering it down doesn't make me more fond of it. I get it; I saw how your wolf reacted to everything. I'll keep my hands to myself this time."

He looked relieved. "Thanks."

"Thanks for the...that." I gestured to the bathroom as we passed it.

"The hugs?"


Wow, I was awkward.

"You don't have to thank me. I like hugging you, and it calms my wolf too."

Awkward. He made it more awkward.

Luckily, we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"There's our new she-wolf," Rocco grinned, holding his arms out.

Jesse swore and went stiff.

"Now you want to hug me?" I lifted an eyebrow. "Where was this Rocco when I actually wanted him?"

Rocco's grin widened. "You never wanted me. You just like making me squirm."

I laughed; it was true.

Jesse swore again, and I bit my lip.

Was I supposed to just... touch him?

Wouldn't that be weird?

His face was getting paler by the second, so I just went for it. I ducked under his arm, pulling it over my shoulder so our sides met, and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

He instantly relaxed and regained color. "Thanks," he murmured.

"Aw, how cute. Our first mated pair," Ford smirked our way.

My wolf threatened to take over, and I staggered a bit.


"Not mated," Jesse said quickly. "Her wolf hasn't chased me yet."

That calmed her right down, for whatever reason.

"Let's talk about something that isn't the two of them," Elliot suggested, gearing the conversation in another direction. "Tea, you'll be happy to know that we hacked into your email account and let your professors know that you were attacked by a dog and hospitalized. The Moon Ridge doctor was happy to send a note to excuse you. Your professors have been sending heaps of homework your way, but your scholarship is intact."

I stood straighter. "Seriously? Thank you guys. That really means a lot."

"It was Jesse's idea. He made Ford and Dax agree to it when they dropped him in bed, before he crashed." Zed gestured over his shoulder, from where he was cooking steaks again.