I looked at Jesse, surprised he'd thought about me when he was so out of it. "Thanks."

He bobbed his head and led me to the table. We sat down beside each other, ready for the next inner-wolf attack.

The guys talked and joked. They brought me and Jesse into the conversation a couple times, but we were both a little out of it.

My stomach growled louder than the guys talking, and everyone laughed. The steak wasn't ready yet though, so I dropped my head to the table and shut my eyes.

I could go for a nap.

But... there was so much studying to catch up on.

I was going to need an entire gas station's worth of energy drinks to get caught up.

Jesse got up and walked to the fridge. He grabbed a plate, and then loaded it up with leftovers from what the other guys had been eating over the week. When he came back with it, he set it in front of me.

I lifted an eyebrow at him.

"You need to eat. You rarely even eat two meals, so I know you don't have the muscle or fat stores to power a werewolf's body. The way you're fueling yourself isn't enough anymore," he said.

I wanted to throw the plate at him, but he was probably right.

Picking up the fork, I got to work.

I was nearly done with the plate when the other guys brought over a thick steak with mashed potatoes and veggies.

I inhaled all of that one, next.

Jesse brought me seconds.

It freaked me out, but somehow I managed to eat all of that too.

I was halfway through my third plate before I managed to feel even somewhat satisfied, so I finished the third.

Ford whistled at me. "Usually Rocco pounds the most food. I'm thinking we're going to have a new champion soon."

My face flushed.

I didn't know why, but that was insanely embarrassing.

Jesse grinned. "Only until she's adjusted to being one of us. Then Rocco will have his trophy back." It was the first time I remembered seeing him really grinning, and he looked damn good doing it.

His expression and words deflated my embarrassment.

Then his knee bumped mine under the table, and the contact deflated it even more.

I shot him a grateful look, and he winked.

He actually winked.

Somehow, I'd ended up magically paired with a winking, gorgeous nerdwho lived a secret life as a werewolf.

That definitely hadn't been in my ten-year-plan, but I wasn't quite sure complaining was the right thing to do, given that he was a hot nerd who’d just casually fixed the awkwardness in a conversation and then winked at me.

The werewolf thing though... yeah, I still wasn't sure about that.

Since Jesse and I were both awake and alive, the other guys decided they were going to head out.

They all stayed to help clean up, and then took off one by one. Elliot was the last to leave, and reminded me again that I could call or stop by with any questions I had at any time.

When the door closed behind him, me and Jesse were alone.