Jesse mademe drink a bottle of chocolate milk, a bottle of strawberry milk, and a bottle of some cinnamon-flavored milk too. I expected to feel full and sloshy when I finished off that much liquid cash, but my stomach was a damn bottomless pit. It was like my body burned through the calories as soon as I consumed them.

"Why do you have so many bottles of milk?" I asked Jesse. Those hadn't been in the fridge when I moved in or before Jesse bit me; there hadn't been bottles of anything.

"The other guys filled our fridge with easy high-calorie foods while I was unconscious," he explained. "It was drilled into us that we'd need to feed our mates a hell of a lot while they adjust to becoming werewolves."

Ah. "So they went with milk? Why not donuts or something?"

"The kind of calories matters. Sugar won't make you stronger; at least milk's got calcium and some protein."

I guess that made sense.

"Can you just throw that towel over your lap?" I asked, trying to gesture toward the towel with my nose since my arms still felt like noodles.

"Why? Am I distracting you?" He gave me a sly grin, reaching for the towel.

"No. I just want you to be comfortable," I drawled. "What about your body would distract me?"

I had eyes; of course he was distracting. The man was built like a damn football player. And not the high school or college kind; the professional ones.

Plus, as he'd said, his dick was huge.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about my comfort, Tea." He dropped the towel down beside him, not throwing it over his lap. "And here I was, thinking my body would affect you the way yours affects me."

My face heated. "How does my body affect yours?"

He gestured to his erection. "It's pretty obvious."

My blush grew hotter.

"Here." He grabbed a tub of yogurt, and a spoon. "Can you hold the spoon?"

I tried to lift my hand and failed, swearing under my breath as it dropped back to the edge of the tub.

Peeling the lid off the yogurt, Jesse dipped the spoon and lifted it to my lips.

"Don't we have any more chocolate milk?" I huffed, not wanting to be fed like a baby.

"Sure. It's in the fridge, though. I'd be happy to haul your pretty little ass down there if you want to grab it," he offered with another grin.


With a sigh, I opened my lips.

Jesse fed me two yogurts before pulling out the next snack.

A huge jar of peanut butter, and a loaf of bread.

He slathered the bread in peanut butter, slapping together a sandwich and lifting it to my mouth. I reluctantly took a bite, chewing and swallowing quickly.

My stupid stomach rumbled again, just as loud as before.

Jesse cracked another grin. The man's happiness was contagious, even though I wasn't feeling happy myself.

By the third peanut butter sandwich, I could finally lift the food to my own freakin' mouth. But, when I finished off the loaf of bread, my stomach was still growling.

"I can't afford to be a werewolf," I sighed.