"You can't afford not to eat, either," Jesse countered.

I glared at him.

Why did he have to be right?

"You've got to be hungry too," I said. "Why don't you eat some of that?" I gestured to the bag as he pulled out leftover pizza.

That food, I could get behind.

"I'm built this way for a reason." He gestured to his body again, and I tried not to check him out.

Yeah, I failed.

"The extra food you eat will help you get used to the toll of shifting back and forth while you build up the fat and muscle required to maintain a werewolf body," he explained. “I’ve heard it takes about a year for a human to finish adjusting, and then the hunger is much more manageable.”

I sighed, and then wolfed down what had to be an entire leftover pizza, courtesy of Jesse's packmates. I guessed if you were feeding that many hungry werewolves, one extra pizza wasn't actually that much leftover food.

"How are you feeling?" Jesse asked. "Strong enough to wash up and go down to the kitchen?"


I washed up quickly, and by the time I was clean, was already starving again. I wasn’t feeling weak, though, so it was alright.

Jesse followed me out of the bathroom, but I stopped in the doorway to his bedroom first. I gestured toward his closet, and saw the humor in his eyes.

"I was planning on showering after I finish feeding you," he said.

"I'm not eating anything else unless you wear shorts," I warned.

His expression was amused as he strode to his closet, and TBH, I didn't avert my eyes as his chiseled backside stepped into a pair of basketball shorts that hid absolutely nothing.

But, since he'd done as I asked, I followed him to my room next.

He turned around and faced the hallway at my insistence as I slipped into underwear, cotton shorts, and a loose long-sleeve t-shirt. One of my boobs was still feeling sensitive after being crushed against the rock earlier, so a bra was out of the question.

But going braless would keep Jesse on his toes, and I liked keeping him on his toes.

We were in the kitchen a few minutes later, and Jesse pulled a massive chicken pot pie out of the freezer, sticking it in the oven without waiting for it to preheat.

"How long does that need to cook?" I checked, leaning against the counter.

"Not as long as you're going to be up studying." He started some coffee, next, and then grabbed another loaf of bread and the jar of peanut butter. "More sandwiches until then."

I made a face, but really didn't mind. Peanut butter sandwiches weren't as bad as starving, and they were cheap.

Could a person survive on peanut butter sandwiches alone?

I considered it as I walked over to the spot at the kitchen table that I'd turned into a desk.

They had grains, fat, protein...

No fruits and veggies, though.

Eh, peanut butter sandwiches probably wouldn't give me all the nutrients I needed.

I pulled up the assignment list and got to work again. Jesse brought me a tower of peanut butter sandwiches a few minutes later, and I sniffed at them.

"Is that honey?"