Page 100 of Finding Home

Not that I’d be angry at her for taking longer.

Fuck, she can do anything she wants and I could never get mad at her.

But at the same time, I want everything to go perfect. I don’t want to be late. I don’t want my mom to be made to feel like she doesn’t matter. I don’t want her to prepare a big meal for us and we only turn upwhenever.

Kit turns and walks to me with a grin on her face. Sliding her arms around my hips and lying her face on my chest, I feel all of the anxiety I’ve been carrying all week creep away.

Just like that, she soothes me all over.

I’m a dead man.

If she ever decided she was done with me, I’d be broken beyond repair. Good as dead.

“We remember.” She presses her lips to my chest. “I’m heading upstairs now. I’ll have a fast shower, then the bathroom’s all yours. What should I wear tonight? What are you gonna wear?”

I look down at my sweaty gym clothes. “I was just going to wear this.” It’s a lie, but her scandalized face makes it worth it. I’ve worn these clothes to my mom’s a million times before, but the night I introduce her to my girl, I’ll shower for the occasion.

“You are not.”

“No.” I drop a quick kiss on her lips. “Jeans and shirt. Nothing fancy.”

“Okay.” She steps back in quiet thought, then with a nod. “Alright, I’ll work it out. I’ll go shower now.” She steps back and runs her fingers along my chest as she leaves. It’d be a damn lie if I said I didn’t do extra reps just for her.

“She’s really freaking out, you know that?” Jack stops packing up his bag and pins me with a glare.

“She’s okay though, right? She’s not giving herself a stomach ulcer about it?”

“She’ll be okay…” He lifts his bag and secures it over his broad shoulders. “As long as your mom’s cool, that is.”

My brow lifts at his clear warning. Jack’s still got those brass balls he had when he first walked into my gym, but I’m finding it hard to hate on him for it.

“I don’t know what you know,” he starts in a low timbre. “But she didn’t get a good deal with our mom. And if shedidtell you, whatever she told you would’ve been watered down. This isn’t a regular girl meeting your mom, B. This is different, so it better not be an ambush. Don’t hurt my sister.”

I nod in understanding. My mom already knows about Kit’s parental situation. There was no way in hell I’d leave the first meeting between the two most important women in my life open to those potential landmines. I’ll do everything I can to ensure they get along perfectly.

Ineedthem to.

I’d die if I had to choose between them.

“I’ve got it, Jack. I won’t hurt her, you have my word.” I clap him on the shoulder and head out of the kitchen and start up the stairs. I walk into our room to find Kit already in front of the mirror in the master bathroom in a pink and yellow towel, with a sky-blue makeup brush in her hand.

She smiles at my reflection and continues with what she was doing. I stop and take her hips in my hands and bury my face in her neck, and peppering kisses along her delicate skin, I watch as she transforms her eyes from innocent and wide, to smoky and sexy. Next, she adds powder to give her cheekbones definition, then lip color – that I’m tempted to suck straight back off just so I know what it tastes like. Digging around in the cabinet, she pulls out a hairdryer and starts blowing out her hair.

Her sweet fragrance fills the bathroom as her long blonde locks whip around in the heat, but reluctantly peeling myself away, I jump into the shower and leave the water closer to cold than it is hot.

I need to cool my shit, before I rock up to my mom’s house indecently.

I soap up and wash my hair as fast as I can. My mind is focused on the fact an almost naked Kit stands mere feet from me, which means not even the cold water can fix my problem. The only person on this planet who can help me is within arm’s reach, but her makeup is already done. I’m not stupid enough to drag her in here and mess it up.

She switches off her hairdryer and noisily packs it away. “Hey, babe?”

I wash the shampoo from my hair and sting my eyes in an attempt to watch her hips swaying through the frosted glass.

With a soft giggle, she lays her glossed up lips on the glass and leaves a big pink smudge. “I love you, Bobby. And I can see your dick through the glass.”

I snatch open the door and yank her back to me. Pressing my lips to hers and cleaning off every last morsel of lipstick, I clutch to her as she giggles and fights to escape the cool water. “I love you too, baby. You look beautiful.”

By the time I finish and walk back into our room, she’s standing at the dressing table and putting in shiny, dangling earrings. Fully dressed except shoes, it baffles me that she can be so low maintenance. She was showered, done up, and dressed in twenty minutes flat, even though she hadn’t even planned her outfit prior. Looking high school librarian with a flair, she’s standing snug in a black vest and a lacy white tank beneath. Flaring black shorts show off those unforgettable creamy thighs, and the heels she’s flung to the bed promise all sorts of fantasy fueling images.